Updating your car can bring the dilemma of whether to contract or purchase. Choosing which is best seems to generate significant and animated debate.…

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What car is the best for being a driving instructor? We asked our own customers what car they would recommend to driving instructors on our Facebook @CA Cars. 56 of them responded and these were the results……

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UK drivers face mandatory speed limiters from 7th July.…

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We're excited to announce a new solution to our vehicle management systems!…

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CA Cars opening hours

SalesMonday–Friday 09:00–17:30
AdministrationMonday–Friday 08:30–17:30
ServiceMonday–Friday 08.30–17.30
Vehicle collection / returnMonday–Friday 10:00–16:00

Emergency breakdown

Out-of-hours contact number: 0780 366 0051 → Option 1
