We have begun work with an environmental charity - One Tree Planted - to make a conscious effort into being more green and to help save our planet.

Since 2014 we have been taking steps to become a greener and much more eco-friendly company, starting with the offering of the Toyota Hybrids and continuing through the introduction of completely electric cars like the Renault Zoe or the Peugeot e-208.

Now, this is the next step for us, to work with a charity that really is making a difference out there in the world. One Tree Planted is dedicated to creating a healthier climate and to protecting our environment, they work tirelessly around the world planting trees that help clean the air, filter our water and provide habitat to over 80% of the worlds terrestrial biodiversity.

We have partnered with them to put into place a system where for every car we sell, we donate 6 trees, this is roughly the equivalent of what’s need to counteract the vehicle’s carbon emissions.

We at CA Cars hope to continue and expand on our eco-friendly efforts in the future!

See our full range of dual-control cars for hire and dual-control cars for sale.

CA Cars opening hours

SalesMonday–Friday 09:00–17:30
AdministrationMonday–Friday 08:30–17:30
ServiceMonday–Friday 08.30–17.30
Vehicle collection / returnMonday–Friday 10:00–16:00

Emergency breakdown

Out-of-hours contact number: 0780 366 0051 → Option 1
